Plastic bottles
Photo by Nick Fewings from Unsplash

Challenges of the plastic value chain in Europe

Master’s thesis, 2023

Recycling plastics is becoming more mainstream but what are the challenges that slow down the development? The challenges,  technological issues and the knowledge gaps are studied in the master’s thesis of Mikko Myrä from LUT University, Finland.

The relevance of the circular economy for plastics is more significant than ever before. The European Union (EU) has established ambitious recycling targets for plastic waste, and businesses are actively embracing the opportunities presented by the circular economy. 

Traditionally, the plastic value chain has aligned with a linear economy. This linear approach has resulted in environmental harm, including the accumulation of plastic waste on land and in marine environments, as well as pollution from the use of fossil-based raw materials and incineration.

Now, the circular economy has emerged as a viable alternative, and efforts to transition towards a circular economy for plastics are underway. Nevertheless, there are various challenges that impede this transition. Shifting to a circular economy requires changes throughout the entire value chain, which has been designed to accommodate a linear economy.

Challenges throughout the value chain

In this thesis, Myrä has identified and categorized four types of challenges related to plastic recycling within the circular economy in the EU:

  • 1) acquisition and quality of feedstock
  • 2) acceptance of recycled plastic
  • 3) technological advancements
  • 4) policies. 

Challenges and gaps are present throughout the entire value chain, emphasizing the need for collective efforts from all stakeholders to address these complex problems, which can vary depending on specific applications. 

The work is divided into two parts. The first part encompasses a comprehensive literature review that examines regulations and state-of-the-art technologies. The second part involves conducting interviews with stakeholders across the plastic value chain and administering a questionnaire to researchers in the field.

The thesis: Idebtifying Challenges, Technology and Knowledge Gaps Across Plastics Value Chain with a Focus on Recycling in Circular Economy.