The Replication Handbook
The Replication Handbook is created as the outcome of TREASoURcE actions and findings. It is a comprehensive guide that ties in TREASoURcE key results.
Handbook is co-created from various project activities, key value chain demonstrations (KVC-Demos), analysis data to offer guideline practices to replicate and transfer demonstrations of circular economy key areas and how to adapt successfully urban-rural CE models.
TREASoURcE in Brief
TREASoURcE is a four-year project (2022-2026) receiving funding from the European Union under the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. TREASoURcE aims to initiate systemic change by developing systemic circular economy solutions in cities and regions for currently underutilised or unused plastic waste, end-of-life electric vehicle batteries and bio-based waste and side streams.
The Main Objectives
1) Demonstrated environmental, social, economic and political impacts of the systemic circular economy solutions (Circular plastics, batteries, and biobased side and waste streams) in the Nordics.
2) Replicated locally tailored systemic CE solutions in the Baltics, Poland and beyond.
3) Inclusive and just transition to CE for all supported by high level cooperation with all relevant stakeholders.
TREASoURcE is coordinated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. The consortium consists of 17 partners from seven European countries.
More information is available on TREASoURcE main site
Coordinator Anna Tenhunen-Lunkka
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
+358 40 486 8713
Chief Editor of Handbook Kaisa Sibelius
Forum Virium Helsinki Ltd
+358 40 570 1317
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