Toy swap
Photo: Yiping Feng and Ling Ouyang

Case Tampere | Christmas Toy Swap

Author: Jaana Koivisto, Ecofellows

Christmas Toy Swap is one of the several stakeholder engagement events we organised on circular economy, in Tampere, Finland, in December 2022. Its aim was to raise awareness about the reuse of plastics, to rethink the use of plastics aiming to minimize waste, and to promote the acceptance of circular products as gifts. 

Christmas Toy Swap was organised by one of the project partners in Finland – Ecofellows (Ekokumppanit). The event attracted significant media attention, with coverage in newspapers, television, and radio. The target groups of this event were citizens, especially families, parents, grandparents, and other people who have children as the closest ones.

Read more about their best practises learnt from the experience:

Christmas Toy Swap achieved its primary goal of raising awareness about the reuse of plastics and promoting the circular economy, especially in the context of children’s toys and hobby equipment. With nearly 300 attendees, it successfully engaged citizens, including families and individuals with children.

Attendees provided feedback via QR codes, with an average rating of 4.375, indicating positive responses to the event. Participants were given vouchers at the entrance of the event and could swap those for second-hand toys. All toys were pre-collected and sorted by the organisers several days before the main event. 

The positive feedback and media coverage suggest that the event was well-received and effectively conveyed its message. It not only educated the audience about sustainable practices but also provided a practical solution through the toy swap event, contributing to reducing waste and promoting the reuse of plastics.