Explore Circular Economy Solutions
Our goal is to make recycling easier for you. We have gathered useful materials: scientific reports, legislative information and other recyclers’ best practices for your convenience. Please choose from the options below:
How to Set Up a Digital Marketplace for Biobased Side Streams
- Bio streams
- Best practices
How to Create a Local Bioeconomy Model
- Bio streams
- Best practices
Case Tallinn | Biogas From Food Waste
- Bio streams
- Use cases
Case Finland | Marketplace for Biobased Side Streams
- Bio streams
- Use cases
How Have the Finnish Circular Economy Stakeholders Been Mapped
- Bio streams
- EV Batteries
- Plastic waste
- Best practices
TREASoURcE Report: Territories’ CE Activities and State-of-the-Art
- Bio streams
- EV Batteries
- Plastic waste
How to Initiate a Systemic Transition to a Circular Bioeconomy
- Bio streams
- Best practices